Plan Out How To Handle Plumbing Concerns Prior To Fire Sprinkler System Installation
A fire sprinkler system serves the incredibly important duty of protecting life and property in the instance of a blaze. High-rise buildings, in particular, could be the center of a massive tragedy if a blaze is not brought under control quickly. Those installing new systems or upgrading old ones sometimes overlooked the fact that a sprinkler setup is an extension of the plumbing system. Just as plumbing problems affect traditional pipes and fixtures, fire sprinkler system may suffer problems. Obviously, troubled fire sprinkler system brings with them extensive risks when they are not operating properly. Working with the installation service to properly prepare for the event a downed sprinkler system is advised.
Planning for the Best
Anticipating potential problems is not about planning for the worst. Rather, doing so plans for the best possible outcome through being better prepared. Things a customer can discuss with the fire sprinkler installation service could encompass:
- Composition and Durability
Customers must become fully aware of the metals and alloys used to create the sprinkler system. Learning about the source materials used to construct the sprinklers leads to a better understanding of how to reduce corrosion potential and other durability-undermining problems.
- Secondary Shutoff Valves
Plumbing work cannot be performed when the lines are filled with pressurized water. Shutting off the main valve and draining the entire sprinkler line prior to repairs creates risks. What if a fire occurs during the repair job? Inquiring about addition valves in the line is advised. See if it is possible to strategically install additional valves so the entire system does not need to be shut off. If so, their installation could prove enormously beneficial when needed.
- Proper Testing Procedures
A fire sprinkler system positively must work as expected if an emergency arises. Fires do not break out in office buildings on a regular basis. Years can go by without incident. Complacency should not set in and the sprinkler system must be checked for performance issues at scheduled intervals. Determining the proper time intervals in which to perform periodic inspections prior to the completion of the installation would be beneficial.
Contact the Best
In order to make sure the planning and installation of fire sprinklers are performed to expectations, working with the best service is required. The best service is sure to embody the necessary patience to work with a client to make sure all safety and preventive maintenance steps are satisfied.
Contact a service, like Legacy Fire Protection, to get started.